+33(0)612250363 contact@denkimedia.com


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit of your solutions compared to a PDF?

PDF is a static format that does not provide detailed viewing statistics or an enhanced viewing experience. Your audience has expectations in line with the way the web is evolving and we propose solutions adapted to them.

Do I need to buy a subscription?

The services provided for the creation of your digital publications are provided as annual packages. Our offers are all without commitment and without automatic renewal.

What do I need to get started?

A simple high-definition PDF is required! Depending on the features you want, you may have to provide other assets.

How long does it take to get my interactive publication?

Once the project study phase has been validated, the timeframe can vary depending on the complexity of your project. For the simplest type of project, we can get back to you within 24 hours!

Any other questions?


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